Teenagers like to wear earphones are most likely to suffer from deafness and tinnitus

March 3rd is the 16th national "Ear Love Day". The theme of this year's Love Day is "Safe Ears, Protecting Listening" to raise the awareness of hearing and safety in the entire society. At present, the number of hearing loss in China ranks first in the world, and the number of newly added hearing loss reaches 300,000. At present, the majority of people lack ear-use awareness and protection hearing awareness. Everyone knows that noise can make us “squeaky.”

With the development of science and technology, the use of electronic products has become increasingly widespread. A variety of players, video machines, and tablet computers have occupied a large amount of people’s lives. In addition, the prosperity of leisure and entertainment venues and the popularity of sound-producing toys have all ushered in one. In a noisy environment, young people with headphones can be seen everywhere in their lives. Experts remind that the “headphone family” must guard against deafness and tinnitus. 50% of hearing disabilities can be prevented and avoided through primary ear care. Protection of hearing through proper methods can prevent or delay the occurrence and development of hearing disorders.

Always wear headphones to deaf ears

Kobayashi, who is in the second year of sophomore year because of his excellent score in the college entrance examination, sent him a smart phone. Kobayashi often downloads songs and listens to music with headphones, often adjusting the volume to a very high level. Sometimes he listens to his headphones and listens to sleep. In the recent past, he felt tinnitus, stuffy ears, and hearing loss. Sometimes students quietly talked when studying, and he could not hear clearly. Kobayashi found out that he had lost 1/4 of his hearing and was diagnosed as deafness by the doctor. The culprit of the disease is most likely to be listening to music for a long time wearing headphones, which makes Kobayashi very injured and feel regret and helplessness.

In today's society, with the advent of advanced electronic products such as MP3, IPad, and smart phones, people are beginning to gradually walk, ride bicycles, ride buses, and the habit of wearing headphones to watch movies and listen to songs anytime and anywhere. Calling with headphones, listening to music with headphones, using the Internet headphones ... ... walking in the streets of the city, from time to time will be able to see a group of "headphone family" pass by, and import the stream. The juvenile “headset” team has grown stronger and stronger, and now even elementary school students are almost inseparable from headphones, and people have to re-examine the impact of headphones on people, especially young people. Young people love the "tidal" life and go to KTV, clubbing, and distressed. They love to wear headphones and listen to music when there is nothing. However, these modern lives are increasingly threatening the health of young people! There are more and more patients with hearing impairments in the emerging lifestyles such as K songs and bubble bars, and they tend to be younger.

"Noisy deafness, also known as noise-induced hearing loss, is caused by prolonged exposure to noise-induced slow sensorineural deafness." Wang Jianming, chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology, Shan Yi Medical University Hospital, said that studies have shown that noise deafness can Reduce people's physical activity and social activities, reduce the quality of life, induce anxiety, depression and other psychological symptoms.

A college student headphones use rate of 99.8%

In recent years, with the popularity of MP3/MP4, many students have used personal music players to listen to music, broadcast and learn foreign languages, which has led to the occurrence of hearing impairments! Some researchers investigated the incidence of noise deafness in an ordinary university. The results showed that the earphone usage rate of their college students reached 99.8%, 28% of students had noise-induced hearing impairment after long-term use of headphones, and 13.4% of students had chronic disease. For tinnitus, 8.2% of students had dizziness and nausea, and 10.1% of students had different degrees of hearing loss.

According to statistics, there are 27.8 million people with hearing disabilities in China, which is the country with the largest number of hearing-impaired people in the world. Research shows that noise is one of the important causes of hearing impairment. In recent years, with the increasing popularity of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablet computers, and entertainment venues such as karaoke bars and bars, the public, especially young people, are increasingly at risk of noise-induced hearing loss due to improper use of the ear.

“Some people often fall asleep unconsciously while listening to music. They haven’t turned off for a long time. This results in strong or light but persistent sounds that irritate the ear for a long time and may cause microcirculation in the cochlea. , and cause the cochlea responsible for feeling the sound of hair cells and spiral nerve injury, and ultimately lead to noise deafness and tinnitus." Wang Jianming said, there are people listening to MP3 or walkman's music for a long time with headphones, and because of excessive pursuit of sound effects To adjust the volume too loudly, it is as if the source of a noise is placed on one's own ear. Super sound directly acts on the auditory system, leaving the ear exposed to high-intensity noise for a long time. Some people's hearing loss, noise deafness. When listening to music with earphones, the distance between the eardrum and the headphone vibrator is very close, and the acoustic transmission range is small and concentrated. The stimulation of the auditory nerve of the tympanic membrane is relatively large, easily causing symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, and ear nausea. It can also make people tired. Irritability, causing headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

Wang Jianming introduced: Under normal circumstances, there are two cases of hearing loss: one case is the hearing fatigue caused by noise, that is, when people from a noisy environment, still feel the ears "squeaking", difficult to hear Others' speeches. However, after a period of quiet rest, the tinnitus disappeared and the hearing gradually recovered, indicating that the auditory nerve cells were not severely damaged. Another situation is that long-term stimulation by high-intensity noise does not result in rest, eventually resulting in irreversible damage to the auditory nerve cells, permanent hearing loss, and sensorineural deafness.

The sensory nerve deafness caused by the ear noise caused by the excessive sound of the earphone generally develops slowly. The earliest damage is the hearing of high-frequency sound, and the vocal sound belongs to the low-frequency sound, so it is often undetected in the early stage. Hearing loss. Hearing impairment gradually increases, and when the damage is done to the low-frequency hearing area at a later stage, when the person cannot speak clearly, the deafness is already serious. Once the hearing loss has serious consequences, it is difficult to recover.

Safety ears protect hearing health

"Frequent and long-term use of headphones is the main cause of hearing loss, and society and family must pay attention to guiding young people to use headphones reasonably to save their hearing health." Wang Jianming reminds people that they should abide by "60- 60 principle, this is also the internationally recognized method of hearing protection. That is, the volume of the headset should not exceed 60% of the maximum volume, and continuous listening should not exceed 60 minutes. In addition, the headset is best to choose a headset, which is less damage to hearing than earbud headphones. Because earbuds are plugged directly into the external auditory canal, the sound is not transmitted from the eardrum to the tympanic membrane. The sound is received by the tympanic membrane and the hearing loss is even greater.

In addition, the "headphone family" should pay attention to their hearing conditions at ordinary times. When tinnitus, ear boring, dizziness, and inability to concentrate, it may be an early sign of hearing loss. Especially when the phenomenon of tinnitus occurs, it should be vigilant and should go to the hospital for hearing tests. Hearing impairment caused by noise can be cured if it can be treated within a week. In general, a hearing loss of more than 3 months is permanent and hard to cure. If irreversible hearing loss has occurred, listening to headphones should be prohibited. When speech communication is difficult, hearing aids should be selected as soon as possible to protect the hearing from further noise damage. If you wear headphones for a long time, you must check your hearing at least once a year, and check it once every six months.

Wang Jianming emphasized that in ordinary life, people should pay attention to daily living patterns, avoid overwork and ensure adequate sleep. Eat foods rich in trace elements such as coarse grains, peanuts, and seafood. More massage before and after the ear lobe can promote the blood circulation of the ear, which can effectively protect the hearing.

This year, the national “Love the Day” publicity and education campaign aims to arouse the attention of the whole society to non-professional noise, especially entertainment noise. On the other hand, it hopes to call on the relevant government departments to take measures to strengthen the entertainment venues and related The company's noise enforcement inspections create a safe listening environment.

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