How do users maintain TV?

TV users often start worrying about how to properly maintain a TV after starting a new TV. In fact, it is very simple to maintain TV. As long as the method is used properly, it can not only improve the function of cleaning and power saving, but also effectively extend the intelligence. The service life of the TV. So, how do users maintain TV?

1, regular cleaning TV

Tools: TV cleaners

TV cleaner
Operation: Dust is often generated when using a smart TV. At this time, users only need to wipe with a TV cleaner.

Note: When cleaning the dust, the cleaning cloth must be soft and less water. Gently wipe the TV to avoid scratching the TV screen. The TV impression area is cleaned with the cold air mode of the hair dryer.

2, do a good job of moisture protection

Method: Place ventilation

Micro Whale TV 55 inch PRO
Operation: Due to the influence of the user's living environment, the smart TV can easily cause the body to get wet or the body overheated. At this time, the user needs to handle the television according to the situation. Lightly damp, turn on the TV, let the heat generated by the TV itself to remove moisture; TV is too heavy, you need to find a professional to repair.

Note: The smart TV is not easy to place in high temperature, otherwise it is easy to be dangerous or damage the TV lines and parts during use.

3, turn off the TV cut off the power

Method: Unplug the power cord

Operation: After turning off the smart TV, the TV will still consume a certain amount of power. In the long run, not only will it generate a certain amount of electricity, but it will also have certain side effects on the internal parts of the TV. For this reason, after the TV is used, the user can directly unplug the power supply when the power is turned off. This will also extend the life of the TV following environmental protection.

Note: If the power interface is loose or leaks, it needs to be replaced or repaired immediately, otherwise it will damage the TV and even endanger personal safety.

Smart TV/box information can focus on smart TV information network sofa butler (http://), China's influential TV box and smart TV website, providing information, communication, etc. on TV boxes, smart TVs, smart TV software, etc. Answering questions.

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